5 Reasons Why TikTok Is A Great Marketing Tool For Lawyers

April 27, 2022
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Most businesses avoid TikTok because it’s popular with kids. How will you make money if young children can’t afford your services? It’s actually a great social media channel to target because older people use it.

Let’s look at a few reasons why it’s worth signing up to TikTok today. Once you get started, you’ll be able to work on building your audience. It won’t take long before adults are calling your law firm to request your help.

1. Get Started Before The Competition

TikTok will only get more popular among adults; look at what eventually happened to Facebook. It doesn’t take long before everyone starts copying the younger generation, so it’s good to start now when the competition is low.

It will give you time to build up an audience before it gets tough. Don’t let poor law firms steal your clients. If you are charged with a firearm-related crime in Ontario, you want experienced lawyers in your feed.

2. Keeping An Eye On Trending Topics

You’ll notice certain things trending for a few weeks or months. Once you see something picking up speed, you can post videos about it. You won’t need to worry about looking unprofessional if you put a legal spin on it.

For example, you might find people posting videos of funny arrest stories. Barrie criminal lawyers could create videos talking about their client’s experiences, which would easily bring in clients if they went viral.

3. Targeting To The Right Influencers

Lawyers are lucky because they have a lot of money to spend on marketing; look at how much ads cost for keywords in the legal industry. Instead of buying ads going forwards, it’s worth giving influencers your money instead. Alternatively, lawyers may buy TikTok accounts in bulk to achieve instant growth.

Look for ex-cons with a large TikTok following. If people are interested in their prison stories, it’s likely some misbehave on occasion. You’ll get a great return on your investment if you target the right influencers.

4. It’s Easy To Boost Your Best Posts

Even though your posts might create lots of engagement, it doesn’t mean they’ll be shared with everyone on the app. It’s possible to share your posts with more people, but you’ll need to spend a little money to boost them.

Will you get a good return on your investment when you boost posts? It probably won’t help much in the short term, but long term, you’ll make your money back. It’s an easy way to skyrocket your audience as soon as possible.

5. Schedule All Your Videos In Advance

It’s hard to post lots of TikTok videos when you’re busy trying to run a law firm; you’ll spend most of your time working on client cases. Luckily, you’ll be able to schedule your videos in advance when you have free time.

If you spend the weekend shooting videos, it’s possible to load everything into a scheduling app. It will post your videos at specific times during the week, and you can reply to comments when you have a few minutes to spare.

It’s Worth Testing The App

I think you’ll be surprised by the results if you post a few videos on TikTok. You won’t see an avalanche of new clients straight away, but they’ll come if you keep working hard.

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